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David Kempler - Writer's Bio

David Kempler with Oscar
David would like to thank all the little people who helped him get where he is today.
David Kempler has always been drawn to the fringes of life on the planet Earth. This fascination with the non-beaten path led him into the land of independent, foreign, and documentary films. While he still does sometimes venture into mainstream cinema, his trips there grow fewer with each passing year. His distaste of the Hollywood film product crystallized on that fateful night in 1981 when the hyped-out-of-control Robert Redford soap opera "Ordinary People" beat "Raging Bull" for Best Picture. Absolute blasphemy. The Oscars from that point forward became nonsense to him, at least until the advent of Oscar Pools. Gambling makes anything worth watching.

At a very early age David was fascinated by film. He loved the same grand and fun flicks as all of his buddies, and every chance he got he went to the local movie houses in Forest Hills, NY. Even then he found himself drawn to films (such as the poorly dubbed masterpiece "Two Women," starring Sophia Loren), which aired on television far past his bedtime on Sunday nights. When he would try and discuss those types of movies with his friends, their faces would go blank and talk would change to another subject. David couldn't figure out why everyone didn't share his tastes. He still can't figure it out.

Eventually David began to dabble a bit in the writing world and to date has enjoyed limited success with credits including essays in The New York Times and New York Newsday. In addition, he authored a teleplay that aired on a Seattle station, and won a semifinalist prize in a prestigious national screenwriting competition. Because of his unusual tastes, he is often relegated to seeing movies alone. Too often when he does convince someone to accompany him to a film of his choosing, that person ceases to answer his phone the next time David calls.

David's other interests include ice hockey, travel, photography, the never ending quest for the perfect pastrami sandwich, and betting on celebrity death pools. He is currently third in all time money earnings at the largest death pool in the world. What do you expect from someone who was once brought in for questioning as a serial killer? By the way, he claims he didn't do it. I think he's telling the truth.

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