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Kingsman: The Golden Circle Review

By Neil Danner

All the King's Men...and Then Some

"Kingsman: The Golden Circle", writer/director/producer Matthew Vaughn's sequel to 2014's stylish spy flick, delivers what fans of the first installment were looking for: a terrific cast, entertaining and physics-bending fight scenes, funny dialogue, and quite the enjoyable soundtrack.

This time around up-and-coming agent Eggsy (Taren Egerton, "Eddie the Eagle") teams up with tech expert Merlin (Mark Strong, "The Imitation Game") to find out who's killed off the Kingsmen and for what purpose. They find that the world is being held hostage once again, this time by Lucy Ricardo-esque drug lord Poppy (Julianne Moore, "Non-Stop"). She's looking for the notoriety she feels that she deserves, and she would just as soon feed you a human hamburger (literally) as engage in idle chitchat. With the loss of the rest of the Kingsmen and their resources, Eggsy and Merlin enlist the help of the Statesmen, a similar organization operating out of the United States.


It could be said that too many stars were thrown into the mix here: Jeff Bridges, Halle Berry, Channing Tatum, and Pedro Pascal all work for the Statesmen. And, no surprise if you have watched any of the trailers: Eggsy's mentor Harry (Colin Firth, "The King's Speech") is back from the dead. This abundance of star power is handled by having Channing Tatum dip-spit onto the screen and then dance right off again almost immediately, and by giving Jeff Bridges nothing to do but look badass in a cowboy hat for a few scenes.

Despite a similar plot structure to the first film, the world that "Kingsman" creates is spot-on visually and tonally. The violence that audiences have come to expect is there, but even while reaching for new levels of shock, this outing minimizes the gore so as to not detract from the mood. Eggsy's character has matured during his time at the Kingsmen. He even finds himself in a loving, committed relationship, and is as charming as ever. Mark Strong is a true gift; he's good enough that he could carry the movie on his own if forced, and Julianne Moore is so effortlessly terrifying in her role that you cannot help wishing she had more screen time.

Borderline anti-American sentiment and shockingly lazy political commentary aside - Mr. Vaughn wants you to know exactly what he thinks about the world and he won't let something like subtlety impede his telling you - this film will not disappoint fans of the first installment. If for nothing else, it is worth a watch for the surprise Elton John appearances. Who knew he could fly?

Note:  I would like to give a shout out to the gentleman at my screening who had two of the best-timed "Damn straight!" interjections that I have ever heard. Thank you, sir!

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Movie title Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Release year 2017
MPAA Rating R
Our rating
Summary This sequel to 2014's stylish spy flick picks up right where the last left off: loud, brash, and unapologetic. The question is, how could they possibly ratchet it up for the next one?
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