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Dating & New York Review

By Matthew Passantino

You've heard the age-old cliché many times before: New York City is like a character itself in any given movie. New York is never more prevalent than in romantic comedies, but what is it about the hustling-and-bustling of such a chaotic city that makes people in movies feel so romantic? Jonah Feingold's directorial debut "Dating & New York" (he also wrote and produced the film) gives a familiar story a fairytale sheen, playing into the cinematic notion that there's a little magic within the crazy confines of the city.

Romantic comedies are often bemoaned for their familiarity and predictability. It's true: it's hard for filmmakers to deviate from the rom-com's well-traversed terrain. The genre isn't as strong and lucrative as it was in the 90s, but every so often one breaks the mold and has the right ingredients to entertain and charm, despite the fact that we've seen it all before.

That touch of freshness is what works so wonderfully with "Dating & New York." Feingold isn't trying to rewrite an entire category of movies, nor is he trying to coast by on what makes people comfortable. Sometimes a movie just works, despite being narratively thin and familiar, and that's up to the viewer to assess that feeling. "Dating & New York" is a simple movie that conjures a winning feeling.


The movie opens with a watercolor painted title card of the city and credits, introduced to us by the narrator (Jerry Ferrara, who appears later as a doorman). The watercolor - aiding the movie's fairytale presentation - appears throughout as transitions between scenes. Milo (Jaboukie Young-White) and Wendy (Francesca Reale) met each other on a dating app called "Meet Cute," where they answered a series of questions and the app brought them together. They get drinks and exchange pleasantries, but nothing about their date seems serious. Milo is looking for more than casual, but Wendy seems to think she can't handle more than that at this point in her life.

Despite being upfront about wanting different things, Milo and Wendy decide to keep seeing each other, but with no labels or level of commitment. Wendy draws up a friends with benefits contract, which she assures herself will keep things from getting too serious. Naturally, Milo's friend Hank (Brian Muller) and Wendy's friend Jessie (Catherine Cohen) think they're crazy and it will only end in heartbreak.

Surely, you know how it's going to end for Milo and Wendy. Feingold never assumes you've never seen a romantic comedy before, but has made one seemingly out of sheer appreciation of the genre and the city that often hosts them. It also helps to have charismatic leads like Young-White and Reale, who have a natural chemistry as a potentially mismatched pair who enter into an agreement with differing opinions of how it should look. Young-White, a comedian who's known particularly for his work on The Daily Show, leads the film effortlessly and gets a real movie star moment here.

Perhaps, if you don't live there and battle the constant tourist traffic and subways, New York City can be a truly romantic place. "Dating & New York" is a loving nod to the city's many jagged edges.

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Movie title Dating & New York
Release year 2021
MPAA Rating PG-13
Our rating
Summary This winning romantic comedy proves that sometimes there’s comfort in a little familiarity.
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