Big Picture Big Sound

Pioneer Goes Big with KURO Home Theater Front Projector (PRO-FPJ1)

By Chris Boylan

With the introduction of new Plasma HDTV models bearing the KURO brand, Pioneer also unveiled a new KURO model today with the “Big Picture” in mind, namely their first KURO projector – the PRO-FPJ1 or, more simply, the Elite KURO Projector ($9,000, shipping in June).

Based on 3-chip LCoS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) technology, the unit bears a fairly striking resemblance to JVC's DLA-RS2 DILA projector, and reading between the lines at today's press event where they demonstrated the new projector, I would speculate that the two units share more than superficial similarities. Although Pioneer's contribution to the unit itself is mostly the KURO brand and some advanced picture tweaking and set-up menus, the projector was throwing a nice cinematic image on the Studiotek 130 screen in their hotel room cum home theater, with great contrast and bright vivid colors.

Pioneer's PRO-FPJ1 projector is the first non-plasma display to bear the elite KURO brand name.
Developed specifically for the custom-install market, the Elite KURO projector is configured for high-end cinematic installations and supports advanced calibration. The projector is said to hold true to the KURO philosophy of deep black levels and rich color as well as featuring signature Elite KURO cosmetics. Pioneer chose the 3-chip LCoS technology because they believe it offers the best native contrast ratios of any current projection technology.

“We have built upon the success of our KURO plasma displays designed for the HD home theater consumer and are now addressing the custom HD home cinema consumer,” said Russ Johnston, executive vice president of marketing and product planning, home entertainment business solutions group for Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc. “Our customers are entertainment connoisseurs; they crave that total immersive experience that leaves you on the edge of your seat. The introduction of our new Elite projector is a perfect compliment to our KURO line of displays and answers a need within the market for high-end cinematic installations.”

The Elite KURO Projector features a wide lens shift capacity, dual HDMI 1.3 inputs, and a wide range of precise picture adjustments to get the best results from virtually any screen.

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