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Paramount, Universal Pave Path for Blu-ray Future

By Chris Boylan

Last HD DVD Hold-Outs Turn Blu

It should come as no surprise, but the two remaining major studios that had supported the HD DVD format in the next generation DVD format war recently issued statements in support of Blu-ray Disc.  Toshiba's announcement Tuesday to pull the plug on HD DVD left no doubt about the struggling format's future.  

Universal had been a staunch supporter of HD DVD since the beginning with one of the most popular early high definition titles ("King Kong") and a string of other successful titles including the "Bourne" trilogy.  Paramount had been on the fence with titles released in both formats until late last year when they went HD DVD-exclusive with titles such as "Transformers" and "Shrek the Third."

Now in separate statements, both studios have announced that they will release titles on Blu-ray in the future. 

"While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray." said Craig Kornblau, President of Universal Studios Home Entertainment.  He continued, "The emergence of a single, high-definition format is cause for consumers, as well as the entire entertainment industry, to celebrate."

Meanwhile Paramount Home Entertainment sent their statement to The Hollywood Reporter, which read: "We are pleased that the industry is moving to a single high-definition format, as we believe it is in the best interest of the consumer," the statement reads. "As we look to (begin) releasing our titles on Blu-ray, we will monitor consumer adoption and determine our release plans accordingly."

So now with all of the major studios behind Blu-ray Disc, and with more and more consumers bringing home large screen HDTVs (where standard definition DVDs start showing their age in the form of fewer pixels and less vivid colors), Blu-ray Disc may just have a shot at widespread adoption.  

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