Big Picture Big Sound

Blu-ray Disc Movie Sale: $10 to $14 - Over 100 Titles - Amazon Goes BOGO

By Big Picture Big Sound Deal Meister

Amazon Blu-ray Disc SaleThey may be a little late to the BOGO (Buy One Get One) party, but is now offering the best BOGO offer to date on Blu-ray Discs. In addition to the 40 Disney titles that were included in BOGO sales at places like J&R, Amazon is now also offering a Buy-One-Get-One offer on Blu-ray Discs from Sony Pictures, including "The Fifth Element" (remastered non-crappy version), "Casino Royale," "The Patriot," "The Lives of Others" - a total of 72 Sony titles to choose from.

Combine this with Amazon's already low prices (30% off virtually all BD titles) and you're getting some great movies on Blu-ray for $10 to $14 each.

Details on offer start/end date are hard to come by, so check it out now and beef up your collection of 1080p movies on Blu-ray Disc while you can:TIP #1: The site seems to be a little flaky about this sale. Check your shopping cart to verify that the discount has been applied *before* completing the final step of checkout! It seems to have a sporadic problem crediting the discount on Sony titles if you navigate directly to the Sony sale page. If this happens to you, then delete the items from your cart and go to this page first:

Blu-ray Disc Store on

...and then click on the link to "Shop the buy one, get one free sale" which is mid-way down the page (just below the images of "Casino Royale" and "Blackhawk Down.)"

This page seems to alternate between images of two Disney titles ("Pirates of the Caribbean" and "The Prestige") and two Sony titles ("Casino Royale" and "Blackhawk Down"). You may need to reload the page a few times to see the correct images and link. When you do see the correct images, click the "Shop the buy one, get one free sale" link and then check off the items you want to buy and add them to your cart. Then check your cart one more time during checkout and the discounts should be applied.

Hopefully Amazon will fix this problem soon but if not, then enjoy the work-around above - it's klugey as hell but it does work - I tried it!

Also, Amazon customer service assured us that they will retroactively credit anyone who does not get the correct credit as long as you've correctly followed the terms of the 2-for-1 sale. If you bought two (or more) of the titles on either list and do not see a credit for one on your receipt, then e-mail them about it - you do this from "My Account - Help" section of the site.

Tip #2: The Sony titles and Disney titles are independent from each other (must buy two Sony titles to get one free or two Disney titles to get one free). No mixing and matching. Do separate orders for each.

Tip #3: If you buy more than 2 titles (e.g. 4) Amazon will credit you only for the least expensive titles on the list. So if you order two titles at $26.95 and 2 at $19.98, you'll get credits only for the 2 $19.98 titles. To get around this, do separate orders, e.g., order two titles at $19.98 each, get one free. Come back here and follow the link again. Order 2 more titles at $26.95 each, get one free.

Got it? Good! Who looks out for you? The Big Picture Big Sound Deal Meister, that's who!

Please note: all deals posted on Big Picture Big Sound are current as of the posting date and time. These deals are frequently time- or stock-limited and generally do not last. Final pricing and stock are determined by the individual deal provider, not by Big Picture Big Sound so you will need to click through on the offer link to see if it is still available. Through our affiliate relationships with many online vendors, Big Picture Big Sound may earn a small commission on any referred sale.

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