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Download Movies Legally Online with Movielink

By Chris Boylan

While the RIAA and MPAA crack down on illegal bootleggers of music and movies, some legitimate services have arisen to satisfy the desires of those who want to satisfy their craving for instant (OK nearly instant) gratification. Movielink is one of these services, with thousands of films now available for download, including wide-release blockbusters like Sin City, Alexander and Crash. Select TV shows are also available for download.

Current Special Offer:

Movielink $1.99 or Less Sale - ALL RENTALS  - New Customers

Some films and programs are available for sale (unlimited use) and some for rental only, starting at 99 cents. The rental titles can be saved on your computer up to a month, but once you start playing one, it must be viewed within 24 hours. You can view the film more than once, but once the 24 hour window is up, the file becomes unviewable.

Movielink also offers free downloads of content including behind-the-scenes movie documentaries and trailers - even High Definition trailers - so you can get a sample of the quality before you pay for any downloads.


It's worth checking out, particularly Movielink's Weekly Special where you can find popular movies available at half the regular rental price.

Movielink's system allows you to begin watching the downloaded material 2 to 10 minutes after beginning the download, and complete downloads usually take 30 to 90 minutes using a broadband Internet connection.

Check it out for yourself at:

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