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Toshiba Holds Breath Long Enough to Turn Blu

By Rachel Cericola

Time heals all wounds, apparently. About 16 months after throwing in the towel on HD DVD, Toshiba has announced that they may start cashing in on Blu-ray.  If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Despite the results of the format war, Toshiba President Atsutoshi Nishida says the company will consider developing a Blu-ray product in the near future. "It makes no sense to decide not to enter the Blu-Ray market simply because we lost the DVD-format war," said Nishida (via Nikkei). "We cannot change the fact that we lost, but we would like to keep our options open."

Toshiba spent millions touting the benefits of HD DVD over Blu-ray. After a number of movie studios bailed to become exclusive to Blu-ray, Toshiba folded the format in spring 2008.

Just because they are producing, does that mean anyone's buying? We may soon see. If all goes well, The Daily Yomiuri says that Toshiba should have something Blu ready for shoppers by the end of the year.

The HD-A2 was Toshiba's second-generation entry-level HD DVD player.

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