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SunBriteTV 5510HD Outdoor LCD Braves the Atlanta Elements

By Chris Chiarella

With a 55-inch screen (measured diagonally), the Model 5510HD is the biggest all-weather outdoor LCD television ever offered by the specialists at SunBriteTV. A lot of manufacturers like to brag about how tough their TVs are, but can they stand up to rain, dirt, insects and other abuses of outdoor life? Painstaking design and the right materials are essential building such a durable display, from the powder-coated aluminum exterior on down to the water-resistant remote. Heaven forbid someone should drop it in the swimming pool. Even a sensitive bit such as the IR emitter is concealed inside the cable-entry compartment, to better protect it, while the entire cable entry system is watertight.

As the backyard/poolside home theater market continues to grow, particularly in climates conducive to outdoor activity, the size and performance of these laugh-at-the-elements TVs have been keeping pace. The enormous 5510HD is full high-definition at 1080p, with the benefits of 120Hz frame rate conversion as well. All the while, the Hex-fan Airflow system can keep it cool in up to 122-degree weather or the internal heater lets it function even at 24 below zero. An anti-reflective window enhances viewing and helps defend the screen.

SunBriteTV was forced to leave their water-spewing elephant back at the office, so you might not recognize at first glance that their 5510HD LCD is tougher than rain, snow, dirt... a lot like those football players.

Ample optional accessories are also available, from a variety of mounts to the RadioFM transmitter which conveniently sends TV audio to a nearby radio. The SunBriteTV Model 5510HD is expected at retail by the end of this month, at a suggested price of $6,995.

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