Big Picture Big Sound

Halloween Costume Ideas: Disguise Yourself with These Killer Movie Costumes

By Chris Chiarella


Looking for Halloween costume ideas?  You've come to the right place.  Here at Big Picture Big Sound, we do what we do largely because, well, we love movies. And our fondness for film doesn't always end when we eject a disc and pop it back into the blue plastic case: We talk movies almost incessantly, I for one decorate my walls with movie posters, and on certain special occasions I've been known to dress up like more of a character than I usually am. And on Halloween, happily, I fit right in.

Disguise, Inc., a division of toymaker Jakks Pacific, holds the license to a host of famous heroes (and villains, and undeclared) from a variety of blockbuster movies which have also been celebrated on this site for their stellar Blu-ray incarnations. So when you're ready to take your cinematic enthusiasm out of the home theater and wear it for all to see, here are a few of our suggested halloween costumes.

Anyone who has witnessed Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland in either 2D or 3D knows that Hollywood's modern take on the classic cast is one of the most memorable aspects of the whole affair. Near the center of it all but slightly off-kilter is The Mad Hatter, who can be had as one of Disguise's "Prestige" costumes, a premium line representing a short list of their most popular styles, typically a cut above in terms of included accessories and overall appearance. Hatter ($107.99 MSRP) comes with a jacket, faux shirt front with bow, pants and oversized hat with his fiery orange hair attached. Touches like the embroidery and the hat-making ribbons give it extra charm: Slap on some whiteface, throw back a couple and you'll be just as disturbing as the real thing.

Dress like The Hatter and you can act as freaky as you want.

Somewhat more middle-of-the-road might be the Captain Jack Sparrow "Prestige" ($99.99 MSRP) as seen in the Pirates of the Caribbean Trilogy. It's fun for fans of the movies and the theme park ride, but also just a really cool, elaborate package of buccaneer attire, from the grand overcoat to the shirt with its attached vest, belts and buckles, sash, pants and boot covers, plus a bandana with attached braids and a separate, regulation pirate hat. This one received the elusive approval from my wife and my kids. Who knew how much fun it could be to dress up like Johnny Depp? Besides Johnny Depp, I mean.

"Whar's me scarf? Me timbers be shiverin'!"

Beyond Prestige, Disguise offers an even more exclusive array of rental-quality costumes, their absolute top of the line. The distinctive Mark VI armor introduced earlier this year in Iron Man 2 is available as such a Rental Quality costume ($239.99 to own, MSRP), a head-to-toe transformation that starts with integrated gloves and elastic boot covers on the zippered body stocking. What really adds the final touch is the assortment of hard-ish plastic "armor" pieces that attach to Velcro spots on the chest, shoulders and legs, for a much more convincing illusion of Iron Man. There's a light-up ARC reactor in the center of the chest, too, batteries included so it works right out of the box, and a two-piece helmet.

"Talk to the repulsor ray."

A little TLC in the preparation on party night helps these costumes look more like they do in the photo on the package, and on screen in the movies, so don't rush. We can accessorize further either on our own or with some supplemental character gear from Disguise. These products are typically made from synthetic fabrics, so the itch-prone might want to add a cotton undergarment. And in some cases neither laundering nor dry cleaning is recommended, so do yourself and your loved ones a favor and pick up some Febreeze while you're at it.

Disguise Inc. offers many more selections, from Cinderella to Austin Powers to Mr. Potato Head to Spiderman, Captain America and much more in sizes ranging from baby to adult.  Check out the full collection at discount prices on

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